Friday, October 14, 2005

RE: Venezuela's Political Disaster - October 14, 2005

Dear Journalists,

I pray that King Juan Carlos of Spain is aware that Chavez is an embarrassment to most of Venezuelans since the infamous character is currently attending the XV Ibero-American Summit in Salamanca, Spain. Fidel Castro was hesitating on attending when he felt the heat of criticisms. Chavez arrived late.

Below please find links to related articles:

Ibero-American Summit text pits Cuba, Venezuela against Colombia

I added temporarily in my blog transcript of Ambassador (Parlamentary Deputy) Adolfo Taylhardat's participation in Madrid, Spain on October 11 in the meetings prior to the Summit denouncing Chavez's abuse of power:

Attached below please find link to recommended readings for His Majesty King Juan Carlos reporting Human Rights Violations in Venezuela:

There is outrage in Venezuela after Chavez ordered missionaries out of Venezuela's territory. Chavez said that he is against colonizing the Indians in remote areas as it were the 15, 16 and 17th centuries. This is controversial since the Indians seem to be happy in remote areas living in a Neolithic environment but lack necessities. Chavez acts as the macho domestic abuser ordering everyone around and perhaps prefers the Indians to believe like he does invoking the abused Liberator Simon Bolivar, live the Cuban way and destroy natural resources:


Maru Angarita My blog is:

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Madrid 11 de Octubre 2005


Cada vez que participa en una cumbre Presidente Hugo Chávez repite su ritornello: “Mientras los Jefes de Estado vamos de cumbre en cumbre, los pueblos se hunden de miseria en miseria”.

Yo sostengo que las cumbres de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno no hacen milagros. Los únicos que pueden brindarle a sus pueblos un milagro son precisamente los Jefes de
Estado que en cada cumbre adoptan Declaraciones retóricas en las cuales se comprometen a hacer muchas cosas pero a la hora de la verdad no cumplen.

Y Chávez es el primer inconsistente. Si hubiera apegado su actuación a las Declaraciones que se han aprobado en las diversas Cumbres Iberoamericana, la inmensa riqueza proveniente del petróleo que ha entrado a mi país en los dos últimos años podría haber servido para transformar a Venezuela, si no en un país del primer mundo, por lo menos en un país de primera. En cambio, se ha dedicado a hacer populismo nacional e internacional mientras el país se hunde cada vez más la pobreza y el subdesarrollo.

Traigo esto a colación para subrayar que el problema no son las Cumbres, sino el comportamiento de los gobernantes y esto es precisamente lo que nos convoca aquí.

En la Cumbre de Viña del Mar, los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de Iberoamérica declararon que esa Cumbre perseguía establecer un amplio programa de cooperación política para Iberoamérica. Esa cooperación política, dijeron en esa oportunidad, “se funda en criterios desarrollados en Cumbres anteriores que “rechazan cualquier forma o intento de alterar el orden constitucional”

Eso está bien, pero lo que no puede perderse de vista es que el orden constitucional no solamente se altera con golpes de Estado o subversiones. El orden constitucional también se altera se altera desde el poder mismo. cuando un gobernante elegido democráticamente, arremete contra los valores e instituciones que conforman ese orden constitucional que todos los gobernantes participantes en la Cumbre Iberoamericana se han comprometido a respetar y defender. Ocurre cuando es el gobernante mismo quien valiéndose precisamente de su poder, o más bien abusando del poder que le ha confiado el pueblo, rompe el compromiso que ha asumido de proteger la democracia, preservar el estado de derecho y el pluralismo político y viola los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales.

La alteración del orden constitucional ocurre cuando se irrespeta la independencia de los poderes públicos, se impide la adecuada representación y participación de mayorías y minorías, se coartan las libertades de expresión, asociación y reunión, se obstaculiza el pleno acceso a la información, se priva al pueblo del derecho a tener elecciones libres y transparentes. Todos estos son, como dice el párrafo 4 de la declaración de Viña del Mar, y así lo reconoce también la Carta Democrática Interamericana, elementos esenciales de la democracia.

Esto significa que cuando esos valores no son respetados, nos encontramos en presencia de una alteración del orden tan constitucional tan grave, o mas, como la que podría resultar de un golpe de Estado o de una subversión.

En nuestra región hay dos países que abiertamente infringen y transgreden el párrafo IV de la Declaración de Viña del Mar. Si bien en esta Reunión de Parlamentarios Iberaoamericanos hemos sido convocados para ocuparnos específicamente de la situación que prevalece en uno de esos países, concretamente Cuba, no debemos perder de vista lo que ocurre en Venezuela.

Habiéndome desempeñado como Embajador en Cuba tuve ocasión de constatar la situación a que se encuentra sometido el sufrido pueblo de ese país. Por ello apoyo decididamente el texto del proyecto de declaración que nos proponemos emitir como resultado de esta reunión.

De manera particular, considero muy importante el llamado que hacemos para que se exija al Gobierno de Cuba la iniciación de un programa de reformas políticas y el inicio de un proceso de transición hacia la democracia mediante la celebración de elecciones verdaderamente libres para que el pueblo ejerza de manera auténtica su derecho a la libre determinación.

Igualmente importante es el pedido que hacemos para que se otorgue la libertad a todos los presos políticos y se ponga fin a la persecución de la disidencia.

Atribuyo una significación particular a la propuesta contenida en el proyecto de Declaración para que se establezca un mecanismo encargado de hacer el seguimiento de los compromisos que contrajeron nuestros gobernantes en Viña del Mar, de los que emanen de la XV Cumbre que comienza mañana y de todas las sucesivas Cumbres.

Pienso que para que pueda efectivamente realizar una tarea de seguimiento y control, ese mecanismo debería contemplar la participación de parlamentarios de la región.

Para concluir, señor Presidente, quiero hacer un llamado a todos los colegas aquí reunidos para que no pierdan de vista la situación venezolana.

Apenas ayer el Presidente Chávez rechazó la afirmación de que en Cuba existe una tiranía y en su empeño de defender al régimen cubano aseguró que en Cuba lo que hay es un “proceso liberador”. Según él “Ninguna tiranía hace lo que nosotros estamos haciendo” con lo cual reafirmó su empeño de trasladar a Venezuela el modelo cubano.

RE: Venezuela's Political Disaster - October 13, 2005

Dear Journalists,

Venezuelans continue to live in fear of Chavez's abuse of power and are worried sick of the future with the infamous character. Below please find report about abuses of land expropriations that is taking place in Venezuela while Chavez prepares to participate in the 15th Spanish-American Summit to be held in Salamanca, Spain:

Tales of unreported expropriation from the heartland, or what happens when lawless actions are encouraged throughout Venezuela (Part I of a three part series): The Battle for Yaracuy -- Bella Vista By Jens Erik Gould"

The following is a related link reporting land expropriations:

Next please find link to opinion article "The tale of Chavez and his nuclear reactor from Argentina" written by Daniel Duquenal.

And related link from The Washington Post:

Please verify if your newspapers could report the abuses reported above in order for the world leaders attending the Summit in Spain to learn points of view from Venezuelans living under the Chavez's belligerent regime.


Maru Angarita My blog is:

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Published in World News on August 14, 2005

Venezuela's Political Disaster - August 13, 2005
To the Honorable Human Rights Organizations:

The political disaster is so intense in Venezuela that it is difficult to follow every daily scandal. A matter of fact is that Chavez and Castro are richer every day spending and giving away the money that belongs to Venezuelans. The economy is not good for most of Venezuelans, real estate industry, for example, is slow and difficult to sell properties thus affecting the well being of Venezuelans trying to run businesses.

Chavez priorities seem to fulfill his own persona and whims and is blind to see that the middle class is struggling big time. Further, there are reports that Chavez spends millions of U.S. dollars every time he makes short trips out of the country. So, where is all the money going to? Where was the money spent? or is Chavez moving money out of the country while imposing strict foreign exchange controls to Venezuelans? So, Chavez and supporters are the only ones prospering during this regime and those who oppose him must suffer. Isn't this against the law?

Attached below please find Internet links that may help you understand the current disaster.

Quote from "As Daniel rightly points out what the country needs is that all oil-generated income, down to the last penny, be spent in Venezuela and not subsidizing the continental expansion of the Chavez revolution for it needs to be stressed, he was not elected to waste our resources helping out other countries, some of which are in better economic shape".


Maru Angarita

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

RE: Venezuela's Political Disaster - October 11 2005

Dear Journalists,

On the eve of the real Columbus Day celebration and considering the recent major natural disasters including the Asian Tsunami, Hurricanes Katrina & Rita, devastating earthquake in Central Asia, and the possibilities of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands collapsing thus creating a huge tidal wave affecting all of us in the East Coast of the Americas continent, Hugo Chavez seems like a major pain and a nuissance. However, Chavez is an unnatural disaster who must be dealt with by responsible governments.

The Venezuelan Opposition does not have the money nor ways to defend Venezuelan citizens against the one person named Fidel Castro manipulating deranged Chavez to unify by force Cuba and Venezuela and implement his ideology to citizens taken hostages while getting richer everyday.

Attached below please find link to many blogs written by Venezuelans and supporters reporting what Chavez is doing in the once peaceful, harmonious and productive country.

I have seen loved ones protesting and marching long hours and even attending events where men wearing red berets attacked and killed innocent protesters defending human rights and democracy.

I have asked for help to journalists and world leaders including the Pope, but everyday that passes Chavez continues to destroy Venezuela.

Can Chavez gets his act together and see the abuse of power that he is committing, or has he passed beyond the point of no return?


Maru AngaritaMy blog is:

Sunday, October 09, 2005

RE: Venezuela's Political Disaster - October 9 2005

Dear Journalists,

Attached herewith please find link to article written by Ambassador Adolfo Taylhardat reporting the embarrassing recent participation of Chavez in Brazil where he did not understand the purpose of the diplomatic meeting nor the document that he had to sign creating outrage between the participants:

The fact that Chavez does not really understand certain diplomatic meetings because of his lack of training reminds me of a very uncomfortable situation that I had to face in Venezuela in 1993 at a social event. I was following the news of the U.S. helicopter crash in Mogadishu, Somalia where American soldiers were dragged through the streets when I overheard laughter and insults towards Americans. I approached the group to hear the joke when I learnt that Venezuelan college professors were ridiculing Americans. I asked them what was so funny about having human beings been dragged and violently attacked by a mob and the professor who does not speak English nor has ever visited the United States responded with further insults against Americans. The heated argument between one of the professors and me increased and it ended when I realized that the professor does not understand American culture nor compassion. I imagine that the hatred created by Chavez in Venezuela against the United States is just his lack of knowledge and pre-conceived ideas which make him err on a frequent basis.


Maru Angarita My blog is: Must Read!