Update: Venezuela's Political Disaster - April 8, 2006
Dear Journalists,
The website http://www.noticierodigital.com/ reports that the thugs who attacked U.S. Ambassador William Brownfield allegedly belong to an official Chavez government agency representing one of the Mayors.
The refreshing part is that the children who witnessed the aggression against Ambassador Brownfield are reported yelling at the thugs to get out and one 10-year old confronted one of the thugs and yelled "... that all Chavez has given them is fear." Older kids blocked the thugs and protected Ambassador Brownfield.
"Pero fueron también estos menorcitos los que más le gritaban a los degenerados ¡FUERA!!, ¡FUERA!!, y ¡VIVA BUSH!, incluso, un niño de 10 años se enfrentó a uno de los facinerosos y lo encaró diciendole: ¿Qué nos ha dado Chávez a nosotros: NADA, SOLO TEMOR!!, gritaba enardecido el pequeño, lo que conmovió a los presentes. Los mayores también se enfrentaron a los desadaptados y evitaron que le hicieran daño Brownfield."
Maru Angarita My blog is: http://maruangarita.blogspot.com/
Venezuela's Political Disaster - April 8, 2006
Venezuela's Political Disaster - April 4, 2006
Chavez at Argentinean TV Comedy Show
To Whom It May Concern:
The following link is to Argentinean Television comedy program showing Chavez at his best. The loud announcer does depict real footage from Chavez's speech to the nation ridiculing President Bush:
Please be reminded that Chavez is an embarrassment to those who oppose him in Venezuela.
Maru Angarita
My blog is: http://maruangarita.blogspot.com/
Venezuela's Political Disaster - April 2, 2006
Dear Journalists,
United States Ambassador to Venezuela, William Brownfield, is asking Chavez to please tone down his aggravating rhetoric filled with insults which are at the root of the problem between the United States and Venezuela:
"Estas diferencias no van a desaparecer en los próximos días, semanas o meses", afirmó el embajador y agregó que "ojalá que en el futuro nosotros podamos expresar nuestras diferencias y discrepancias de una manera que no incluya palabras retóricas como "burro, borracho, asesino, demente, terrorista, nefasto", indicó el diplomático."
In the meantime, while Chavez is protected by hundreds of Cuban bodyguards, and wearing top of the line body armors, Venezuelan citizens live under an increased wide spread crime. This Sunday there is a march of citizens in Maracay protesting the lack of security in the city after a well-known businessman was kidnapped and murdered by thugs posing as police officers at a mobile check point.
It is about time that Chavez looks out after the well being of Venezuelan citizens, or does he care at all?
Maru Angarita My blog is: http://maruangarita.blogspot.com/Resources:
http://caracas.usembassy.govhttp://caracas.usembassy.gov/wwwh018.htmlhttp://www.eluniversal.com/2006/04/02/pol_art_02161A.shtmlhttp://www.globovision.com/news.php?nid=24796http://www.globovision.com/news.php?nid=24684http://www.elsiglo.com.ve/primera.pdfwww.vcrisis.com http://english.eluniversal.com/ http://www.veneconomy.com/site/