Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chavez names new Ambassador to the U.S.

It seems that the Summit of the Americas is bringing up some reconciliation where Chavez has offered a new Venezuelan Ambassador to United States. As I posted last year on April 19, and July 19 Ambassador Roy Chaderton who currently represents Venezuela in the Organization of American States may improve and enhance diplomatic relations between the two nations.

Maru Angarita

My blog is:

Updated: Venezuela's Political Disaster - April 18, 2009

Dear Journalists,

While President Barack Obama attends the Summit of the America's in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, and pathetic Chavez wants to get his attention by giving him a book as a gift Venezuelans are widely circulating article published in El Nacional in 1997 about Chavez and his friends:

It seems that in 1997 Chavez and friends were engaged in other marginal ways to raise funds for the Circulos Bolivarianos.

Personally, I hope that the situation in Venezuela stabilizes free of the abusive rhetoric and hatred that Chavez releases to the nation on a weekly basis seizing the networks. Perhaps if Chavez would get counseling and guidance from those who know better Venezuelans may improve their quality of life.

The following comments from the Summit of the Americas 2009 are circulating the Internet:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Confronted on Political Prisoners at Summit of the Americas


Maru Angarita

My blog is:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Preaparation for The Summit of the America's - April 16, 2009

Dear Journalists,

There is a lot of information coming out of Venezuela related to the Summit of the Americas taking place in Trinidad in Tobago, and the arrival of U.S. President Barack Obama in Port of Spain. As you may know, President Obama is open to conversations with all of the leaders as equals including the infamous Hugo Chavez who in no way nor form could be compared to Obama.

Le Monde in Paris has already reported that infamous Chavez will oppose the accords. Earlier Chavez announced that he will veto the accords. However, specialists in international law have immediately informed the press and bloggers that Chavez is misinformed and can not veto the accords.

Barack Obama tend la main à l'Amérique latine

Chavez annonce qu'il s'opposera à la déclaration finale du sommet
Avant même le coup d'envoi du sommet des Amériques, Hugo Chavez a annoncé la couleur : "Cette déclaration, le Venezuela met son veto dès maintenant. Nous disons, avec d'autres pays, que nous ne sommes pas d'accord avec ce texte (...) Nous n'avons pas de grandes espérances pour ce sommet", a lancé le président vénézuélien, depuis la localité amazonienne de Cumana, où il reçoit plusieurs de ses alliés de la gauche latino-américaine. L'éternel opposant à Washington reproche au texte de ne pas dénoncer l'exclusion de Cuba du sommet ainsi que l'embargo des Etats-Unis imposé depuis 1962 à l'île communiste. (avec AFP)

Pathetic Chavez reminds of the students who would not go to class because they know it all already.

The Society of Interamerican Press (Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) lead by Enrique Santos Calderon from El Tiempo in Colombia issued a press release requesting that the Summit discusses freedom of speech in Latin America:

Blogger Daniel Duquenal wrote on his blog about Chavez new chosen leader to take over democratically elected Mayor Antonio Ledezma's duties: (Isn't this illegal?)

Meet Jacqueline Farias, Caracas new Gauleiter

Ambassador Adolfo Taylhardat and Mayor Antonio Ledezma state that Chavez
has been acting in complete violation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter (Carta Democratica)

The following is link to 45-minute radio interview in Spanish to Amb. Taylhardat where he explains many of Chavez's recent actions:


Maru Angarita

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Attached herewith please find article Megalomania written by Ambassador Adolfo Taylhardat commenting on Hugo Chavez.


Ambassador Taylhardat discusses Chavez's behavior in Qatar, Iran, China, and Japan during his recent trip around the world.

Maru Angarita

My blog is: