Saturday, June 03, 2006

Venezuela's Political Disaster - June 3, 2006

Dear Journalists,

As always The Washington Post's precise writers shine is reporting the current political disaster in Venezuela with the editorial "A Latin Backlash: Hugo Chavez has managed to replace George W. Bush as the imperialist specter."

It has been extremely frustrating seeing Chavez's build-up in Venezuela without a wide response from the international media. Hopefully, international organizations will read the above referenced editorial, and the recent articles published in major newspapers and magazines, including excellent reports from Fox news television.

Please make sure to review all the pictures published in to see how life in Venezuela has been since Chavez was "elected" :

The following are links to few pictures to refresh your memories:

Handling of democratic votes:

The following link is to opinion article written by Harvard University's Internationalist Maruja Tarre commenting on what Chavez has really done deteriorating the once harmonious and prosperous nation into a fifth world country.

Environmentalists must take a close look on how Chavez is not only destroying countries but his lack of knowledge on environmental protection is of urgent attention.


Maru Angarita My blog is:

Friday, June 02, 2006

Devaluing Education In Venezuela by Isabel Lara

Dear Journalists,
Attached below please find letter to the editor of The Washington Post written by Isabel Lara. Miss Lara has grown up in a diplomatic world and has had direct exposure to political events.


Maru Angarita

Devaluing Education In Venezuela
Friday, June 2, 2006; Page A18
To say that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is educating the masses "in his image" is an understatement [news story, May 25]. He is using higher education as a tool for ideological manipulation and brainwashing.
Public education has been free in Venezuela since 1870. Mr. Chavez himself enjoyed the benefit of free education during Venezuela's previous oil bonanza, when the most prestigious academic institutions in the country -- Simon Bolivar University and Central University of Venezuela -- were not only free of charge but also free of government ideological intervention.
The first time I heard Mr. Chavez speak was at a conference at Simon Bolivar University after he had been freed from jail following an attempt to topple the democratically elected president. I wonder if a teacher at the new Bolivarian University of Venezuela today could invite or take on as a student a Venezuelan citizen who signed the petition against Mr. Chavez.
The Chavez government is spending millions on this new university, while choking Venezuela's established universities, not paying professors their salaries and owing retired professors their pensions. The article cited the case of a student who was not able to pass the entrance exams at Central University but now is studying at Bolivarian University. Doing away with entrance exams so that everybody can have access to higher education without the imperialistic obstacle of a standardized test or even good grades is one of Mr. Chavez's ideas. The result will be a college degree that is worthless. Who wants to hire a doctor or a lawyer who does not meet basic academic requirements?

Related link:

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Venezuelans Walking in Europe Demanding Free Elections

To Whom It May Concern:

Please click on the link below to follow the walk that a group of Venezuelans is making in Europe demanding free elections in Venezuela


Maru Angarita
My blog is:

Venezuela's Political Disaster May 30, 2006

Dear Journalists,

There is information that two American citizens are detained in Venezuela for carrying high tech equipment. One of the arrested is Haynes Standey Rays, age 66, of California.


Maru Angarita
My blog is:

Monday, May 29, 2006

Venezuela's Political Crisis - May 29, 2006

Dear Journalists,

While Chavez continues to celebrate his newly acquired wealth from the oil market allegedly à la cocaine with buddy Evo Morales guided by Fidel Castro respected groups of citizens are planning an exodus from Venezuela as reported by Alexandra Beech in her article "The New Exodus":

Next is link to article published in The Jerusalem Post "Unrest spurs Venezuelan Jews' interest in aliya" written by Ruth Eglash:

The neutrality and the lack of action for the requests for help from international organizations has made the Venezuelan crisis to deteriorate each day and this is not by lack of knowledge since Venezuelans have made the issues known.

Attached below please find link to transcript written by Journalist Eleonora Bruzual broadcasted on Radio Mambi (710 AM) in Miami, Florida on this date commenting about the democratic presidential elections in Colombia and how Chavez is giving millions of dollars to Bolivia:

Voilà la différence when someone earns money by hard work and perseverance, and someone wins the Lotto. The following link is to report about Chavez's five-hour talk to the Nation from Bolivia:


Maru Angarita My blog is:

Diference between Chavez & Uribe

The following is quote concerning Hugo Chavez and the President of Colombia Alvaro Uribe:

"The difference between Chavez & Uribe is that the first one talks for 4 to 6 hours and Uribe listens to the citizens for 4 to 6 hours."

Roberto Izurieta
Analyst for CNN