What Are the Chances for the Release of Three FARC Hostages?
Venezuela's Political Disaster - January 4, 2008
Revised: Venezuela's Political Disaster - January 3, 2008
Articles courtesy of HACER
Updated: Venezuela's Political Disaster - January 2, 2008
Dear Journalists,
Happy and Prosperous New Year 2008!
It seems that the FARC hostages' crisis is worst than expected. The three year old child born in captivity was allegedly moved to Bogota about a year ago suffering malaria and a broken arm as reported by www.france2.fr:
Colombie: fiasco autour de la libération des otages des Farchttp://jt.france2.fr/20h/
The Venezuelan press reports that the alleged child's family is having DNA tests done to verify if the child is theirs:
What is more frustrating is that Chavez's in his deranged mind seems to have sovereignty wrong, who are the good guys wrong, and just his infamous revolution has turned out as Venezuelans had long ago said as the ROBOlution where characters with no scruples live off with the Venezuelans' money. As are the rumors about also infamous Kischners who have allegedly received US$800,000 a week for several months and who were helping Chavez recuperate the hostages. Please read my blog posting dated August 11, 2007 for details.
What in the world was movie director Oliver Stone doing in the hostages case. Hopefully, Mr. Stone is very smart and has seen who Chavez really is, and may question why the hundreds of other hostages were not released including former political candidate Ingrid Betancourt. Please watch Chavez's demeanor in the following pictures:
http://www.noticias24.com/actualidad/?p=10725Next please find link to opinion article written by Ambassador Adolfo Taylhardat concerning the FARC hostages. Please know that because of newspaper deadlines this article was submitted prior to the events that took place over the weekend. There are rumors that the FARC asked Chavez to shut up! !Por que no te callas que estás perjudicando la operación".
Explotando sufrimiento ajeno
In related matters, those who have seen Chavez's FARC link in Venezuela, Piedad Córdoba, claim that the former senator is receiving extreme VIP security from Chavez. I wonder how much all of these expenses add to.
There are many questions to be answered, and Venezuelans need the help of international developed countries and organizations to restore democracy and get rid of corruption.
Maru AngaritaMy blog is: http://maruangarita.blogspot.com/Resources: