The following link is to CNN's Spanish interview to Ambassador Otto Reich:
Dear Journalists,
In case you missed it, infamous Nicolas Maduro, acting
leader of Venezuela, accused the United
States of America of plotting to kill Venezuela’s opposition candidate for
president. Most likely in order to achieve disinformation Maduro said that “I’m
addressing President Obama and Roger Noriega and Otto Reich, Pentagon officials
and the CIA. They are behind a plan to kill the presidential candidate of the
Venezuelan right wing, to create chaos in Venezuela”.
Perhaps, Maduro wants
to kill opposition leader Henrique Capriles Radonski and blame the CIA, and
others as he mentioned. While ridiculous and mentally challenged Maduro’s
statement has threatened the life of his much more qualified opponent. Ambassador Reich explained that “Incidentally,
alleged victim Capriles has stated that if something does happen to him he
holds Maduro responsible, no one else”.
Former U.S. Ambassador
Otto Reich responded to Maduro rebutted Maduro’s malicious allegations
It seems that Maduro
and his staff are desperate trying to lead allegedly guided by the Castros, and
keeping all the money that Hugo Chavez left to the few.
Ambassador Adolto Taylhardat
commented on the abuse of power, and strange funeral arrangements for Hugo
The International Court of Justice, busy at
it is, should make time to prosecute Hugo Chavez’s thugs who survived him for
abuse of power, fraud, and more fraud if the alleged algorithms and open
violation of the vote are true.
need help from world leaders to assure the safety of the opposition leaders,
and the International Court of Justice, to resolve abuse of power in Venezuela
and restore democracy.
Maru Angarita
My blog is: http://maruangarita.blogspot.com Twitter @maruangarita