Venezuela's Political Disaster - April 11, 2009
Dear Journalists,
Venezuelan are observing today the events that took place on April 11, 2002. Below please find archive article written by bloger Daniel Duquenal explaining those events.
Today, the police commissioners in charge during April 11, 2002 are jailed with a 30 year sentence by Chavez, while they claim their innocence, and rumors say that Chavez's supporters were those who killed the unarmed citizens from Puente Llaguno:
"No tears or sympathy, I want you to take action"
Ambassador Adolfo Taylhardat wrote on his bi-weekly column this week concerning the jail sentence against the police commissioners, and other leaders as open political persecution in Venezuela. Amb. Taylhardat says that Chavez has been acting in complete violation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter (Carta Democratica)
El hundimiento del derecho
In related matters:
Eddy Ramírez reitera necesidad de conformar comisión de la verdad por los sucesos del 11-A
In other outrageous matters, there is a total abuse of power against democratically elected Mayor Antonio Ledezma. Chavez and thugs are removing all powers and funds to the Mayor leaving him with a diminished job description without the regular responsibilities assigned to the mayor's office, and penny less to lead.
Caracas Metropolitan Mayor files action against violation of the Constitution
Maru AngaritaMy blog is:
The Constructive Discharge of Mayor Antonio Ledezma
Earthquake in Caracas April 5, 2009
A 4.2 in the Richter scale earthquake happened in Caracas around 4:50 PM EST on this date! Witnesses report a very loud noise, at this time there are no reports of injuries, at least among those who reported the earthquake.Reporters inform that the epicenter was located at north-east of La Guaira near Caracas. Noticias 24 inform that there was a 4.8 Richter scale earthquake near Trinidad & Tobago at around the same time. of Miguel Octavio:Very strong tremor in Caracas those living in Venezuela:La Comision de Seguridad Ciudadana y DDHH del Cabildo Metropolitano les trasnmite informacion sobre los sismos y la situacion presentada el dia de hoy que podria serles de utilidad. Por favor, reenviar y retransmitir a colegas y a traves de los medios de comunicacion.
*Telefonos emergencia:Bomberos metropolitanos: 0800-2562967 / (212) 545 80 52
Proteccion civil Metropolitana: (212)5143567*
Datos del sismo: 4.3 escala richter. (El de caracas en 29 de Julio 1967 fue de 6,5)
Epicentro noroeste de la guaira
Hora: 3:54 pm
Duración: 5 segundos
*Información sobre replicas de los sismos • Por la escala del sismo no causa daños en las comunidades, La duración de una serie de réplicas es muy variable pudiendo ser de horas, días o de hasta más de un año. • Por lo tanto es importante quedarse en sus casas, estar en calma y informarse sobre qué hacer en caso de terremotos.
*Recomendaciones. ∙ Tener a mano los objetos. indispensables. ∙ Llamar solo en caso de emergencia. Dado al colapso de las líneas.*
Info general:Magnitud. /
Efectos del terremoto Menos de 3.5 Generalmente no se siente, pero es registrado 3.5 - 5.4
A menudo se siente, pero sólo causa daños menores
5.5 - 6.0 Ocasiona daños ligeros a edificios
6.1 - 6.9 Puede ocasionar daños severos en áreas muy pobladas.
7.0 - 7.9 Terremoto mayor. Causa graves daños
8 o mayor Gran terremoto. Destrucción total a comunidades cercanas.
Maru AngaritaMy blog is:
"Dictatorial advancements" in Venezuela
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen warns US about "dictatorial advancements" in VenezuelaCongresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) reported to the officials of Barack Obama’s administration about political prisoners Western Hemisphere US legislator Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee met on Thursday with officials of the US State Department to discuss the expanding anti-democratic and anti-Semitic practices under the Venezuelan government. According to a press release that announced the agenda of the Representative for Florida, Ros-Lehtinen had also scheduled to submit to the US officials a list of Venezuelan political prisoners provided by The Venezuelan Awareness Foundation, headed by Patricia Andrade.Please click on the link to read the rest of the article: keep in mind that the situation in Venezuela is not a Republican, Democrat nor Independent issue it is about the well being of Venezuelan citizens and U.S. Homeland Security.Maru AngaritaMy blog is: