Chavez is buying oil from other countries!
The following link is to article written by Oscar Medina for the magazine Poder explaining that Chavez is buying oil from other countries for Venezuela's oil company:
“La Faja del Orinoco terminará como un parque temático”
A partir de los escasos datos oficiales, Diego González, consultor del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, comparte con Poder y Negocios su análisis sobre la situación de la industria petrolera. Una revelación salta a la vista: Venezuela está comprando petróleo para honrar los compromisos adquiridos. AngaritaMy blog is:
Venezuela's Political Disaster - January 3, 2009
Updated on January 7, 2009Dear Journalists,
Happy New Year, Bonne Année, Féliz Año 2009!
Chavez succeeded to implement a new whim adding Cuba's flag in Venezuela's National Pantheon where former illustrious Venezuelans are buried. Word is that Chile's Salvador Allende also added the Cuban flag in Chile et voilà la fin de son régime which marked the end of his regime.
The following link is to article "El altar de la patria ultrajado" written by Ambassador Adolfo Taylhardat commenting on Chavez's whim to add the Cuban flag to the National Pantheon
En mi artículo titulado "El Altar de la Patria ultrajado" equivocadamente atribuyo a Antonio Leocadio Guzmán el decreto mediante el cual se creó el Panteón Nacional. El decreto fue dictado por Antonio Guzmán Blanco. Ofrezco mis excusas por el error. Adolfo R. Taylhardat Hugo Chávez orders Cuban flag to fly outside Simón Bolívar's tomb packages
Thanks to Chavez Walmart will be removing Venezuelan products at their gigantic stores "Wal-Mart Stores Inc., will stop selling products from countries that have diplomatic conflicts with the U.S., Diario Financiero reported."
D&S to Remove Cuba, Venezuela Products for Wal-Mart, DF Reports By James Attwood
"Suitcase" trial in Miami uncovered a web of corruption in Venezuela
Infamous Chavez's officials believe that cutting in half Venezuelans' allowance to buy foreign currency will bring up savings to the administration. The infamous officials should implement cuts in the amounts of money Chavez gives free to Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua among others, and allow Venezuelans to live in dignity.
Global crisis deals harsh blow to Venezuelan travelers
The following link is to opinion article Reforma vs. Enmienda written by Ambassador Adolfo Taylhardat explaining what Chavez is trying to do to the Venezuelan Constitution.
Venezuelans need help from developed governments and international organizations to restore democracy and end corruption.Cordially,Maru AngaritaMy blog is:
Chavistas Threaten Newly Elected Mayor