Chavez's supporters destroy Israeli organization offices
The following link is to reaction from Ambassador Diego Arria to the attacks against the synagogue in Caracas:
Los ataques a La Sinagoga de Mariperez en Caracas
Ambassador Arria explains the severity of this matter where similar acts have caused the International Criminal Courts to take punitive action against the aggressors.
Diego Arria rechaza ataques a sinagoga
Comunidad judía condena ataque y exige investigación
Another reaction to the attacks against the synagogue in Caracas:
Otra vez sobre el pecho el Magen David, porque aún existe una Venezuela que puede y debe entrompar la barbarie - Por Eleonora Bruzual Publicado el 31.01.2009
While former metro bus driver nominated Foreign Minister by Chavez was quoted about Chavez's position on Israel his supporters destroyed an Israeli organization offices in Caracas:
Quotable from earlier this week
"There is not and will never be any anti-Semitism. (Such claims) purport to blackmail by arguing that anyone who criticizes Israel's leaders joins automatically and forthwith the list of anti-Jewish people. Our criticism has been and remains effective in the face of the crimes of political leaders of the State of Israel." Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro
Grupo armado destroza sede de la Asociación Israelita de Venezuela
Maru Angarita
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