RE: Venezuela's Political Disaster - November 5, 2005
Venezuela's Political Disaster - October 31, 2005
Venezuela's Political Disaster - October 30, 2005
Dear Journalists,
I am pleased to attach herewith link to The Washington Post editorial about Venezuela and human rights abuses from the Chavez regime:
Next please find commentary to The Washington Post editorial made by Internationalist Pedro Mario Burelli:
I continue to recommend the reading of J. Mark Waller, PhD's document "What to Do About Venezuela."
Please know that every paragraph that Dr. Waller wrote makes anyone who feels the pain about the Venezuela situation react with deep emotions. I would like to point out at this time when Venezuelan political candidates prepare for new elections, that Chavez stopped financial assistance to political parties in Venezuela. So, is Chavez the only one that can use funds to pay lobbyists and propaganda for himself? Please read page 3 first paragraph of the above referenced document.
Venezuelan Opposition candidates campaign starts today:
List of Candidates:
· Aragua. Pedro Elías Hernández y Eloy Rojas.
· Barinas. Héctor Villamediana, Fernando Cazorla y Fray Vega.
· Miranda. Arturo Castro, Pedro José Rojas, Roberto López.
· Cojedes. Héctor Campos.
· Carabobo. Nelson Pérez, Alexis Ortiles, Solángel Monasterios, Julio Martí, Yorbis Torres, Armando Martínez, Migdalia de López y Soraya Reyes.
· Distrito Capital. Fueron postulados los Principales Luis Ramón Laya y Manuel Quintero, y la suplente Betty León.
· Lara. Principal y lista, Alfredo Alvarez.
· Táchira. Gustavo Azócar.
· Parlamento Latinoamericano. Adolfo Taylhardat· Parlamento Andino. Milos Alcalay
"Por otra parte Heredia informó que para el Parlamento Andino y el Parlamento Latinoamericano, Venezuela de Primera llevará a las elecciones a dos equipos de reconocidos internacionalistas que poseen una amplia trayectoria en el campo diplomático, encabezado por Milos Alcalay y Adolfo Taylhardat."
In other matters, I was insulted by the "smooth and hypocritical" interviews that infamous Chavez gave to the European press including the BBC (please read resources below). Obviously, someone else prepared the answers that Chavez gave and even cleaned the unpleasant leader up to give an inaccurate view of his grotesque and abusive personality.
Maru Angarita My blog is: