Report from Grupo Avila
The following link is to report prepared by Grupo Avila. Grupo Avila is an elite think tank consisting of former diplomats with extensive experience in the Venezuelan foreign service, scholars, and researchers in the area of international and social sciences, and other professionals analyzing Venezuela's foreign policy.El Grupo Ávila está constituido por un reducido número de ex-diplomáticos con amplia experiencia en el Servicio Exterior de Venezuela, profesores e investigadores universitarios en el área de las relaciones internacionales y las ciencias sociales, así como profesionales de otras disciplinas, preocupados por el acontecer internacional y nacional, el cual tiene como fin primordial el seguimiento, estudio y análisis de los asuntos internacionales y de la política exterior venezolana.
Maru AngaritaMy blog is:
Hugo Chavez’s torrential rains havoc
UpdateHugo Chavez is preparing new Cuban missile crisis Journalists,
The following five pictures were taken from a Powerpoint presentation currently circulating the Internet depicting the University of the Orient bridge in the state of Anzoategui. The bridge was getting impacts from trucks, and to correct it Chavez lowered the road a few feet. Sadly, the builders overlooked to add drainage to the bypass, and when the rains came it flooded: rains wreak havoc in Venezuela announced this evening the “temporary” expropriation of vacationers’ properties to house flood victims. Instead of using his several years in power to improve the nations’ infrastructures the infamous leader allegedly neglected the quality of life of citizens, and is using abusive methods to provide emergency measures:
Capriles a Chávez: “Nos parece poco prudente el llamado a tomar las propiedades” "The situation in Venezuela needs more attention for building regional consensus to counter the government's disregard of international rules (...) Top Venezuelan military officers have been involved in drug traffic activities. (The Venezuelan government has taken sides with Iran, Syria and North Korea in) "global security and the issue of weapons of mass destruction." US Senator Richard Lugar.
As an Independent voter I wonder why are Democrats silent about Hugo Chavez?
Ambassador Adolfo Taylhardat wrote article El protocolo pro-dictadores de Unasur explaining how Unasur seems to be pro-dictators.
Hugo Chavez is proposing Unasur to have one of his staff as secretary-general
Odd enough the following links seem to be disabled. Hmmm, they were working last week and since 2008:
Venezuelans need the aid from the International Court of Justice, and world leaders, to resolve abuse of power in Venezuela and restore democracy.Cordially,Maru AngaritaMy blog is: