Latin America's Brave New World by Mary Anastasia O'Grady
The following opinion article is from The Wall Street Journal.Latin America's Brave New World by Mary Anastasia O'Grady
In a post-bubble world that vilifies the private sector and elevates government as humanity's best hope, two events in Latin America last week deserve attention.
The first was a meeting of the Organization of American States in Honduras. The OAS voted to lift the 1962 ban on Cuba's membership. The second was the 25th anniversary celebration of the Venezuelan, pro-liberty think-tank Cedice Libertad in Caracas.
The former, state-sponsored event, sided with tyranny. The latter, held by private citizens in the most repressive country in South America, took a stand for liberty. This dichotomy may well be the region's future. The OAS expelled Cuba in 1962, in part, because the regime's Marxist-Leninist ideology was considered "incompatible with the inter-American system." In 2001 all OAS members strengthened that position by signing "the democratic charter" and pledging to respect limits to state power. But under Secretary General José Miguel Insulza the organization's principled stand has withered. Led by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Argentina now tell Mr. Insulza what to do. Brazil goes along as part of its eternal quest to reduce U.S. power in the region. Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has been very public about her admiration for Fidel Castro.
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Maru AngaritaMy blog is:
Updated:Dear Journalists,
The following link is to confidential order sent by Chavez to one of his generals dated May 12, 2009 stating that who ever receives any information contrary to Chavez must report it to the Department of Defense! The copy of this order came from a good source and is circulating the Internet: Letter: Reaction from Ambassador Diego Arria to Chavez's order
Officials from Globovision's network state that the charges threatened by Chavez do not have legal grounds:
Quotable"My lawyer and I have not seen any grounds for a legal proceeding to be filed against me (This investigation is intended to) "scare Globovisión." "The government should know that the attempts at silencing or closing the media are not the right way." Globovisión CEO Guillermo Zuloaga www.eluniversal.comChavez's hypocrisy is just pathetic since in his abusive seizing of the networks for his monologue every week tells his audience (if any) that to be rich is bad, and insults the rich. Either Chavez hates himself, or is totally deranged and is unable to see the reality. Reports show that Chavez has improved his personal finances by millions, and the similar situation has happened to his family. Is anyone telling the abused and uneducated Venezuelan citizens who listen to the weekly monologue what the reality is?
In oil matters, rumors say that Chavez is changing the name of CITGO service stations to something else. There is a new service station in Washington, DC where a CITGO used to be located. Humm, I will double check the name and update this report. In the meantime, there are reports that Venezuela's PDVSA is experiencing financing and labor troubles:
Pdvsa, Citgo face financial and labor troubles/ Citgo cerró primer trimestre con pérdidas por US$10 millones need help to restore democracy!Cordially,Maru AngaritaMy blog s: Resources: