Tuesday, March 05, 2013


Dear Journalists,
Are you fed up already of all the nonsense and disinformation released by Hugo Chavez’s administration officials? Just imagine how Venezuelans feel with the constant malarkey that they are frequently bombarded with daily.
Rayma’s cartoon dated March 5, 2013 explains the nonsense:
Otto Reich, Former United States Ambassador to Venezuela wrote a response to Hugo Chavez’s vice president after the infamous official called him “Mafioso”.
“Respuesta a Maduro” por Otto Reich
Ambassador Reich reminded the vp about the list of Hugo Chavez’s officials who are currently in the U.S. Treasury Department considered as drug traffickers and other crimes.
Hugo Chavez’s officials released a new video explaining that the infamous leader, who has not been sworn in as president, remains severely ill.  Maybe Hugo Chavez is at the morgue, and his officials are just buying time to sort out what to do.
The International Court of Justice, busy at it is, should make time to prosecute Hugo Chavez, and his thugs who survive him, for fraud if the alleged algorithms and open violation of the vote are true.
Venezuelans need help from world leaders, and the International Court of Justice, to resolve abuse of power in Venezuela and restore democracy.
Maru Angarita
My blog is: http://maruangarita.blogspot.com Twitter @maruangarita