Tuesday, February 18, 2014

#SOSVENEZUELA: Leopoldo López

Dear Journalists,
It is honorable the fact that opposition leader Leopoldo López had the integrity to turn himself in to the infamous government officials. However, the concern is that those officials do not have integrity, nor care about law, and have shown to manipulate the law in their favor. That is, questions about the date of Hugo Chavez’s death, Nicolas Maduro taking over the presidency by alleged fraud, and the events that we all have seen with the treatment of protesters.
International organizations and leaders including President Juan Manuel Santos have not done anything to assist Venezuelans restore democracy. President Santos said today that he will have dialogue with the officials. It was about time! Thank you!
However, Venezuela needs the UN Peacekeepers Blue Helmets. Maduro and thugs have caused too much damage to the abused nation!
I find it ludicrous the fact that illegitimate Nicolas Maduro always talks by a huge picture of Libertator Simón Bolivar who was direct ancestor of Leopoldo López, and whose teachings are completely opposite of uneducated Maduro.
Please follow the reports about Leopoldo López on www.ntn24.com, www.lapatilla.com, www.universal.com, www.el-nacional.com, www.infodio.com, etc.
United Nations Peacekeeping helps countries torn by conflict create the conditions for lasting peace. We are comprised of civilian, police and military personnel.
The International Court of Justice, busy at it is, should make time to prosecute Hugo Chavez’s thugs who survived him for abuse of power, fraud, and more fraud if the alleged algorithms and open violation of the vote are true.
Venezuelans need help from world leaders to assure the safety of the opposition leaders, and the International Court of Justice, to resolve abuse of power in Venezuela and restore democracy.
Maru Angarita
My blog is: http://maruangarita.blogspot.com Twitter @maruangarita