Sunday, April 14, 2013

Venezuela’s election day on April 14, 2013

1m   Venezuela's electoral authority: interim president Maduro wins election; Maduro had 50.66% of votes, Capriles 49.07% - ,

Update at 11:19 p.m. EST Reports of gun violence at Santa Rosa de Lima polling station conducted by motorcycle gangs.  Video of Chavistas cheating big time!

Update at 10:51 p.m. There are reports of votes cheating where polling machines reported taken to Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) at locations including Cumana.
Mariano de Alba U.@marianodealba7m OJO con denuncias de voto clandestino y fuera de hora en varias oficinas de PDVSA en todo el país. Diferencia es muy estrecha. #Venezuela Retweeted by Nelson Bocaranda S.
There are several reports of cheating and obstruction at polling stations

 Update 8:52 p.m. EST Venezuela's Capriles alleges plan to "change" vote
 Update 8:09 p.m. Journalist Nelson Bocaranda reports that Globovision network @globovision was cut off the air during an interview to the opposition leaders. Nelson Bocaranda S. @NelsonBocaranda  Cortaron a Globovision por órdenes de arriba...en medio de rueda de prensa de Ledezma e Ismael García...¿No siembran más dudas con censura?

Update at 7:50 p.m. EST Reports of lack of Internet service in certain areas. "@cocando: Denuncian corte de acceso a internet en Venezuela por parte de Cantv para encubrir cambio de data de elecciones. "Graban pruebas"
Update at 7:30 p.m. EST
Group of alleged Chavistas motorcycle gangs are harassing the electoral polling stations. Witnesses say that there are at least 15 individuals clashing schools, and at the Central University students and professors were assaulted. At another location a voter waiting in line to vote was shot in the head.

Dear Journalists,
At 5:30 p.m. EST there are still people voting in Venezuela. There are many reports of Chavistas severely harassing voters. El Universal has minute by minute coverage on this link:
Several Venezuelans got very upset at the @lehuffpost for announcing that infamous Nicolas Maduro is reported winning the elections:
1.     Le HuffPost@LeHuffPost1h EXCLUSIF - Maduro vainqueur de la présidentielle au Vénézuela selon les premiers sondages à la sortie des urnes
Venezuelans who traveled to New Orleans to vote had flight delays, but were able to arrive on time to vote.
The International Court of Justice, busy at it is, should make time to prosecute Hugo Chavez’s thugs who survived him for abuse of power, fraud, and more fraud if the alleged algorithms and open violation of the vote are true. 
Venezuelans need help from world leaders to assure the safety of the opposition leaders, and the International Court of Justice, to resolve abuse of power in Venezuela and restore democracy. 
Maru Angarita
My blog is: Twitter @maruangarita